Thursday, June 5, 2014


I was in worship and intercession with some youth (we were 12 in all) last night at NIHOP from 6 to 9pm, and during the time for sharing of what the Lord was saying or has released or downloaded to anyone, it was there that a different perspective and understanding of the gemstones phenomenon was given:

One youth had a vision, on the second and final day of the convergence, in the evening, that Jesus was adorning His Bride with some apparel, but it was not complete, and He was talking to the Bride to complete the adornment.  Another had a vision of an open heaven, a huge white dove carrying a golden ring was descending, and then it flew back up carrying the ring.

Another vision was during the praise and worship, the heavens opened and the angels descended and swept across the gymnasium ground, turning everything they passed through into gold and white, with the center aisle prepared and cleared as if for a wedding, but the angels returned to heaven and the wedding had not taken place.

Another vision was of a Christian carrying a Bible on the one hand and a bottle of beer on another.  Still another has a vision of Jesus coming, but the Christian had some hand holding his feet and he is not able to go.

I was listening intently to the sharing of the youth (mostly from Bacolod, two from Dumaguete), and I received a strong prompting to check the Book of Revelations on the wife of the Lord called the new city, Jerusalem.  True enough, in Revelations 21:19, the city, which is called the "wife of the Lamb" (v. 9-10), has WALLS the FOUNDATIONS of which are twelve precious stones.  The word WALL and FOUNDATION struck me.  The Bride cannot be a wall without the precious foundations. Our intercessory effect depended on the foundations of our character.

So the 8 gemstones that the Lord manifested in the convergence seem to speak to me that the Bride of Christ is not yet completely ready, and that there is still work to do -- on the area of our character. Our precious stones (consisting of 12 character virtues or traits), are only 8 and not yet 12 (I am researching the significance or spiritual symbols of the 12 precious stones).

This interpretation (the the Bride is not fully ready) is consistent with the vision of the youth: an incompletely adorned Bride, a ring about to be given but taken back to heaven, a place prepared for a wedding ceremony but the wedding not yet taking place.

These are not warning visions (none of them felt terror in the visions, but a sense of regret that the wedding could not take place yet) but information and challenge, that we are well on our way but not yet imbibing the complete bridal character.  We need to continue to work on our Christlikeness, our fasted lifestyle, our intercession, our worship, our discipleship and spreading the gospel of the Kingdom.  One of the youth, a girl, was very emphatic in saying that the time is very short, and that there is some concern that if the groom is going to pick up the Bride, the Bride is not ready yet, as if still doing her make up or fitting her clothes.

May we take the message of the visions of the youth well.

Bro. Lyndon Cana