Sunday, November 4, 2012


We strongly stand against the RH Bill for the following reasons:
1.   It will wittingly or unwittingly promote if not legalize the killing of the unborn at conception, in violation of the Bible and the Constitution.
HB 4244, the consolidated version of all Reproductive Health (RH) Bills proposes in Section 3 (e) that the State shall “promote without bias all natural and modern methods of family planning that are medically safe and legal.”
In the market right now, at least five (5) drugs and devices have abortive functions (they prevent the zygote, that is, the already unionized sperm and egg, also known as the fertilized ovum, from reaching
and being implanted in the uterus, so that it will just die and be expelled.)  These are depoprovera, RU 486, IUD, Norplant, and the morning after pill.
This is clearly killing a human life.  The Bible teaches that a fertilized egg (the union of the sperm and the egg) is already human life.  (Job 10:8-12, Psalm 139:13-16, Psalm 51:5).
The flushing out of a fertilized egg by drug or device is abortion.  See Jeremiah 2:34, KJV. The blood of the poor innocents on the skirts of a nation is one of the surest ways of cursing a land.
It also violates Section 12, Art. II, of the 1987 Constitution which guarantees the protection of the life of the unborn at conception, equally with the life of the mother.
2.   It will escalate and promote immorality, because it calls for the distribution of free condoms, IUDs, etc in public schools and barangays without need of parental knowledge, consent or advice.
3.   It will teach “sexuality education” beginning at grade 5, with emphases on sex as a universal human right, and outside of the framework of marriage.
4.   It will weaken if not destroy marriage because it gives any partner a right to avail of any artificial method of birth control (prevention of pregnancy) without need of spousal knowledge or consent.
5.   It will weaken parental authority because under the Bill, youth can avail of free artificial methods of birth control which government will distribute or make available either as free, or as over-the counter drugs (meaning, without need of doctor’s prescription), without the youth being required to inform their parents.
6.   It will trample on freedom of conscience because it will require all health care providers to inform and administer any of these methods, drugs and devices of birth control, and if there is refusal on religious grounds or conscience, they are still required to refer the patient or person to a doctor, clinic, institution or person that administers these services, and refusing to do so is punishable by imprisonment of six months or a fine of Php50,000.
7.   It will pave the way for gay, lesbian, and homosexual unions and “marriages” in the future, because it already guarantees the right of every person for respect and against discrimination on the ground of sex, gender, or gender-preference.
8.   It will threaten the most precious resource of a nation, and that is, its people or future generation.  (In the Bible, the population of a nation is the glory of the king or the prince. Prov. 14:28)
On a note, rigorous population control legislations like the RH Bill imposed in so-called Christian nations or democracies will effectively reduce Christian populations, while leaving other religious populations like Islam to grow unabated because they do not approve of RH bill or similar measures.
9.   It is harmful to women.  Overwhelming studies have shown that drugs and devices of artificial methods of pregnancy or birth control have resulted in much higher incidences of cancer among women.
10.                Government should pay attention to the top ten killer diseases of the country. Reproductive-related diseases and/or deaths are not in the top ten. (See 2006 report of the World Health Organization in the Philippines).
11.                The surest way of addressing poverty is education and job-generation or employment promotion, not the killing of the unborn at conception. (See ADB report entitled “Key Indicators for Asia and Pacific 2010).
12.                RH Bill has not prevented sexually-transmissible diseases from escalating in Thailand, which has more stringent similar RH measures in place.
If we want this country from being spared divine judgment, if we are to stop a curse from attaching to this land, if this nation is to be blessed, we must do everything in our power by God’s grace to see to it that the RH Bill is not passed into law

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