Statement of Faith. We confess, believe, and subscribe to the following statement of faith:
1. That the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, in its original manuscript, is inerrant, infallible, and fully inspired Word of God, which has Supreme Authority over all matters of faith and practice.
2. That God is One Being – there is only one God, but Who has revealed Himself in the Bible and in history in Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
3. That God became flesh in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ – Son of God and Son of Man, fully God and fully man at the same time.
4. That sin is ultimately punished by eternal death in a literal Hell, but that God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
5. That salvation is solely by grace through faith in the complete saving works of the Lord Jesus Christ – by His perfect life, sacrificial death, and resurrection.
6. That true saving faith produces fruit – fruit of worship, fruit of righteousness (which is a sanctified life and good works), fruit of the Spirit, fruit of service, fruit of intercession, and fruit of evangelism and discipleship.
7. That the present age is the age of the Holy Spirit, that is, He is the Source of life, power, gift, anointing, leading, guidance, quickened understanding, and revelation to the Christian, that His works are undiminished and full, and that all Christians should be open to His full works, and keep on being filled by Him.
8. That heaven is a real place of eternal bliss, peace, and glory, prepared for those who are in Christ.
9. That the believers of Christ whose life and doctrine are governed by Scriptures and guided by the Holy Spirit, are and should be one, regardless of denomination.
10. That the full Christian life is by the Spirit and the Word.
Statement of Purpose:
NIHOP exists and operates with the conviction and leading to:
1. Help unite the body of Christ in worship and intercession
2. Help organize, operate, and network houses of prayer in every locality (barangay, city, province, region)
3. Help equip the body of Christ on worship, intercession, and prayer
4. Help equip the body of Christ in understanding and operating in the ways of the Holy Spirit
5. Help preach the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the end-time message of preparedness and ushering in the Kingdom of God.
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